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1403 results:

Educational videos

Browse all videos and learn about all aspects of scholarly publishing.

Effective Social Media for Scholarly Publishers

Learn how to integrate social media into your marketing communications and wider promotional plans of your organization, regardless of budget or size of publisher.

Introduction to Journals Marketing

An essential introduction to effectively promoting journals in today’s challenging environment. Tackle pressing issues such as dropping submission numbers, declining library budgets, and the shift to open access (OA). Start shaping your marketing strategies, integrating artificial intelligence (AI)…

UP Redux

Redux 2025 Join us and explore the theme of transitions in academic publishing. The opening keynote session, 'AI in Academic Publishing: A New Chapter for University Presses', will be delivered by Chris Leonard, Director of Product Solutions, Cactus Communications. Exploring how new AI…

OASPA 2025 Conference

Next year, the OASPA Annual Conference will be held on Monday September 22 - Wednesday September 24 at the Irish College, Leuven in Belgium.

Attracting and Retaining Quality Content

This highly interactive course gives invaluable insight into the factors affecting submissions and how marketing can play a pivotal role in engaging authors and attracting and retaining high quality submissions in a challenging marketplace.

How Publishing Ethics can Nurture Trust in Scholarly Publications

This crucial course will cover how to detect, and deal effectively with poor practice and misconduct in scholarly publishing and will highlight the importance of having effective publication ethics policies in place.

Management into Leadership in Publishing Programme

Aimed at new and aspiring leaders in publishing whose remit is growing and developing, and who need support to navigate the transition from management into leadership.

Journal Metric Analysis and Measuring Impact

Covering common citation metrics, such as the Impact Factor, and explain inherent differences between journals and their metrics. Comprehend author level metrics, including the h-index and gain a clear understanding of Altmetrics and how to use them. This course is highly practical with breakout…