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Our membership

Membership of ALPSP is for the whole organization so all employees can take advantage of the benefits. ALPSP has over 320 member organizations across 35 countries. We welcome applications for membership from organizations across the scholarly publishing community.

For more than 50 years, ALPSP has provided a platform in which to share information and knowledge and engage in open discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Become a member

What we do

  • Bring together people and organizations throughout the industry

  • Strengthen and raising the profile of the scholarly publishing community

  • Represent the interests of the sector and not-for-profit publishers globally

  • Provide impartial information and advice

  • Share knowledge and promoting best practice

  • Offer professional development and networking opportunities

Our Mission

To be relevant, resonant and accessible for everyone involved in the publishing and communication of scholarly research and information. To provide best practice, training and representation through a vibrant network, to help individuals and organizations thrive.

Our Values

Our values give us the focus and direction to bring about our vision to advance academic and scholarly communication in all its forms.

At ALPSP, we are:

  • Passionate about our industry
  • Accessible to everyone in scholarly communications
  • Championing the interests of our community
  • Trusted provider of quality information and services

Our Vision

To foster a culture that will strengthen and advance academic and scholarly communications in all its forms.

ALPSP does this by:

  • Leading and enabling knowledge sharing across our membership and the wider community
  • Fostering the creation of international connections through networking and collaboration
  • Informing and influencing policy and decision-making, advocating for society, not-for-profit and community-led publishing
  • Promoting  inclusivity and diversity, removing barriers to participation and increasing transparency
Our membership in numbers



Member organizations


Countries represented


Membership reach (individuals)