What is a Journal?
Simon Linacre, Cabells
An Introduction to Scholarly Publishing
Simon Linacre, Digital Science
An Introduction to DORA
Claire Moulton, The Company of Biologists and Anna Hatch, DORA
An Introduction to Open Access and Business Models
Dan Pollock, Silicon Guru
An Introduction to Publishers' Licensing Services (PLS)
Clare Zubkowska, Publishers' Licensing Services
Building and Nurturing a Network
Merlin Fox, Artech House and Sophia Anderton, British Institute of Radiology
Commissioning Content
Merlin Fox, Artech House and Sophia Anderton, British Institute of Radiology
Influencing Styles
Mark Thomas, Glass Box Thinking
Publication Ethics
Randy Townsend, American Geophysical Union
Transformative Journals
Claire Moulton, The Company of Biologists
Transparent Metrics
Claire Moulton, The Company of Biologists
Preprints and Preprint Curation
Helen Robertson, The Company of Biologists
What is a Journal Workflow?
Simon Linacre, Cabells
My Life in Scholarly Publishing
Peter Ashman, former CEO BMJ and Chair of ALPSP
An Introduction to Open Access Books Models
Frances Pinter, Central European University Press
How to get the best from your Editorial Board
Mark Thomas, Glass Box Thinking and May Copsey, Royal Society of Chemistry
Launching New Journals
Pippa Smart, PSP Consulting
What is a Books Workflow?
Niall Kennedy, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
How research funders are changing scholarly publishing
Rob Johnson, Research Consulting
Books in the Data-driven World
Nicola Parkin, Taylor & Francis
Using Data to Make Decisions in Book Publishing
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
The role of publishers in the evolving research data landscape
Andrea Chiarelli, Research Consulting
Women in Leadership White Paper
Abigail Barclay, Inspired Selection