This survey aims to capture insights from society publishers worldwide on adapting to challenges like open access, AI, market consolidation, and data-driven strategies.
Bioscientifica partners with TNQTech to manage journal production and proofing processes. Across Bioscientifica’s journals, authors will now also be able to use Proof Central to work 40% faster.
The committee brings together industry professionals to develop and progress the membership and marketing strategy for ALPSP. Chair: Emma Watkins Vice-Chair: Jo Wixon
Designed for those starting their careers in academic journal publishing. Providing delegates with an understanding of Open Access, what makes a successful journal, finance and business models, as well as the basics of marketing and product development. New dynamics such as AI and DE&I have…
Publishers have never been more concerned about their reputation and how a tarnished reputation can impact their brand. With the rise in the use of AI technology, a leading source of integrity issues stems from image fraudulence and difficulties in detecting image manipulation. What strategic steps…
Provides those managing and working on projects with an overview of key principles of project management, as well as several templates and supporting tools that can be applied to most projects, large or small, to help ensure successful outcomes.