Gain an essential overview of the process and mechanics of scholarly peer review, giving you confidence in handling this important element of your role.
Taking delegates step-by-step through the commissioning process, this essential course aims to provide practical advice, relevant tips and techniques to commission and solicit successful content and titles – from market scanning and community development through to proposal management and eventual…
An essential and in-depth look at finance in publishing journals and books with an overview of profitability, revenue streams and expenses. It also examines industry trends such as open access and read & publish deals and the impact on journals financial management and reporting of revenues. This…
An introduction to copyright law and how it is used in practice and covers international digital and print environments. The course is hands on, with exercises, breakouts and plenty of time for Q&A. Delegates will gain an understanding of key copyright grants, how these rights are licensed, and all…
Offering new and developing managers a framework and approach to help support the transition into management, along with plenty of practical tips and tools to help them master the essentials and build confidence. Lots of time for discussions and breakout sessions with other delegates and the…
A practical, hands-on exploration of launching, converting, running and developing Open Access journals. Gain an understanding and appreciation of the levers that can be pulled to achieve success.
The Company of Biologists is delighted to announce the renewal of our five journal Read & Publish Open Access agreement with the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL).