29 October 2020
On 28th October, the ALPSP Copyright Committee met with cOAlition S to discuss their Rights Retention Strategy. It became clear early on that all parties were in agreement; allowing the funded authors to post the VoR (Version of Record) is much more preferable to the AM (Accepted Manuscript). cOAlition S confirmed that funding is available for Gold OA. If the Gold OA route is taken, then they can of course post the VoR under a CC BY licence which gives the cOAlition S funders what they require and means that publishers receive the funding they need, whether as an APC or under some form of transformative agreement (which ALPSP encourages).
ALPSP stressed the need to include both small and medium size publishers in the discussions, as many self-published and learned societies feel excluded or unable to take part in transformative agreements. cOALition S acknowledged this and want to address these concerns. It was suggested that the Library Consortia, ALPSP members and cOAlition S get together so that any questions could be raised. ALPSP will keep you updated once this has been finalised.