1 May 2024
Following the cyber-attack in October 2023, the British Library is experiencing system outages which are affecting parts of the legal deposit process. The recovery operation, which involves rebuilding IT infrastructure, is now well under way and we will continue to update you as it progresses.
Please be assured that any content previously deposited with the British Library is safe. The cyber-incident has affected our IT systems and customer data, but our collection remains secure. Whilst our IT infrastructure is being rebuilt, we do not have full access to our library cataloguing system and cannot send claims for material. As a result, we are asking all publishers to take the following steps:
If you currently deposit in print, please continue to send one copy of each publication to: Legal Deposit Office, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ. We will then safely store material onsite until it can be fully catalogued and shelved.
In addition please continue to send five copies upon request, to the Agency for Legal Deposit Libraries (ALDL), Unit 21 Marnin Way, Edinburgh, EH12 9GD.
If you normally deposit your publications via the publisher portal, please be aware that we cannot currently receive content via this method. Publishers who want to upload their titles via the portal are advised to contact the Digital Processing Team at the British Library by emailing LDO-Electronic@bl.uk, who will be happy to advise on alternative deposit options.
We cannot currently accept submissions via file transfer. If you normally deposit in bulk using this method, please retain your publications until we can reinstate the digital feeds. We are looking at the best ways of managing the volume of accumulated material for deposit through phased delivery and will be in touch to discuss individual requirements.
Access to Content:
The British Library is currently working towards reinstating access to content deposited prior to the cyber incident in October 2023. We are working with our partners at the other legal deposit libraries to enable access to this content, in some form, by the middle of this year.
If you have any questions or concerns about the above, contact andrew.davis@bl.uk or chloe.hemsley@bl.uk.
For further information on the cyber-attack, and to view the latest report published on 8 March, visit www.bl.uk/cyber-incident/.