6 November 2017
Organization identifiers are a key component of research information infrastructure. At the beginning of this year Crossref, DataCite and ORCID announced the formation of an Organization Identifier Working Group to refine the structure, principles, and technology specifications for an open, independent, non-profit organization identifier Registry to facilitate the disambiguation of researcher affiliations.
The working group issued a Request for Information (RFI) on 9 October 2017 to solicit comment and interest from the broader research community in developing the Registry. We have received a number of questions about the RFI. The purpose of this post is to clarify the RFI, the process for reviewing responses, and the next steps for developing the registry.
The deadline is now December 1 - more information is available in this post from Laure Haak: Organization ID RFI: Questions and Answers https://orcid.org/blog/2017/10/30/organization-id-rfi-questions-and-answers