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22 November 2023

A team from the University of Dundee led by Professor Angela Daly is conducting an independent review of the UKRI ESRC’s research data policy. This review has been commissioned by the ESRC and will feed into a report the project team will produce in early 2024.

As part of this review, we seek to gather views from UK-based stakeholders regarding the ESRC's policy and about research data more generally. We would like to hear from the following parties: social science researchers (both who generate research data and/or use data generated by others); research data managers and support staff; those representing interested groups and organisations; ESRC grant-holders, past, present and potentially future; and any others with strong interests in social science research data.

At this stage we are particularly interested in hearing from stakeholders based in the commercial/private sector (as we have not had many respondents from that group so far) in both the focus groups and the survey.

To do this, we are organising 4 focus groups taking place online in late November to December 2023. The dates, times, themes and sign-up links for the focus groups are:

  1. Thursday 23 November, 1.30-3pm - ‘data management’
  2. Thursday 30 November, 11-12.30pm - ‘sharing data’
  3. Thursday 30 November, 3.30-5pm - ‘open social science, replicability and reproducibility’
  4. Tuesday 5 December, 3.30-5pm - ‘data as a public good’.

Please only sign up for one of the groups, whichever looks most interesting/is most convenient for you - and please circulate within your institutions and networks. Please only sign up for one of the sessions. All focus groups are open to all categories of UK-based stakeholders.

We have also been running a survey which is open to UK-based respondents only until 27 November 2023: 

Please note that participation (or not) in this research will not in any way affect your relationship with the ESRC, including any funding application you may have made or may make to the ESRC in the future.  Responses provided through the focus groups [and survey] should greatly assist us in formulating recommendations on updating and enhancing the ESRC’s research data policy. 

Please email us at if you have any additional questions about the survey, focus groups and/or have any other questions or comments on this work.