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23 November 2022

A special free to read supplement based on the 2022 Vitual University Press Redux Conference has been published.  

Guest Editors: Ben Denne, Nisha Doshi and Anthony Cond

We are delighted to publish a selection of papers from this year's Redux conference co-sponsored by ALPSP and Cambridge University Press & Assessment. This year the conference focussed on the big issues of how university, and other, presses were tackling sustainability and inclusivity within the workplace. The conference was well attended and had lively discussions and presentations which we are delighted to publish.

Stacy Scott ((T&F) and Huw Alexander (TextBOX) both look at the state of accessible publications. Stacy's paper presented an update that concludes that "Accessibility is not binary, as easy as flipping a switch, it is closer to a web of interconnected elements, each of which can have serious implications on the accessibility of any content". Huw's paper asks "Are we there yet?" and concludes that the "main hurdle for publishers wishing to implement accessibility policies is staffing problems—including technical knowledge, experience, and time availability"

Turning to sustainability, Andri Johnston and William Pickett (CUP&A) presented a case study which used  DIMPACT to calculate the carbon emissions of the ALPSP Redux 2022 Virtual Conference - and found that it had a greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of 14.8 kg of CO2e.

This was followed by Chris Hart's paper (Manchester University Press), Do you still need to make that trip? In it he describes how people remain conflicted about the benefits of travel versus the negative environmental effects, and how the use of tools such as decision trees from the Tyndall Centre and the EUAC Air travel Justification Tool can be used to provide support and guidance for staff.

The final article from Ben Denne, Cate Giddens, Bathsheba Viola Lockwood Brook (CUP&A), summarised a lively discussion panel which took on the subject of employee retention and ensuring EDIB. It concludes that in addition to doing what you say, companies need to be "curious not furious: build empathy and avoid tokenism by acting holistically."

The entire issue is free to read, so please enjoy and pass onto your colleagues.