7 September 2018
A special university presses themed open access supplement of Learned Publishing based on the 2018 Redux Conference has been published.
Guest edited by Anthony Cond , Liverpool Univerity Press and Lara Speicher, UCL Press, contributors include well-known press directors Amy Brand, MIT Press, Timothy Wright, Edinburgh University Press, Lisa Bayer, University of Georgia Press and Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan, alongside valuable new perspectives from Africa (Thierry M. Luescher & François van Schalkwyk) and from Europe (Pierre Mounier).
Contrasting articles from people working outside of publishing provide particular food for thought: Professor Jane Winters of the Institute of Historical Research asks ‘What does an author want from a university publisher?’ meanwhile the Director of Research at Research England, Steven Hill, puts forward the idea of ‘Decoupling the academic book.’
View the issue on Wiley Online Library now