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3 December 2020

Host even more of your content on the Silverchair Platform

Silverchair has announced the launch of Silverchair Composer, a market-leading new authoring product that allows publishers to bring even more of their content into a single user experience. With its user-friendly interface, superior design control and flexibility, and an approval / workflow module, Composer offers publishers the most advanced functionality in the industry for serving “semi-structured” content to their audiences.

With Composer, the Silverchair Platform expands its omni-format content capabilities to provide first-class support for semi-structured content like blogs, commercial or sponsored content, marketing pieces, news, or white papers. Content like member updates, policy statements, and gray literature help fulfill the mission of many publishers, but often require a separate content management system for composition and publishing. Now, this content can be authored, edited, and published via Composer’s intuitive WYSIWYG interface and receive the same robust search, browse, and display treatment as highly structured content like journals, books, or proceedings content. 

Bringing this content on to the same platform increases discoverability, enables publishers to layer over access or business rules to create new products and revenue streams, and improves user experiences by taking advantage of the Silverchair Platform’s numerous features, such as email alerts and mobile-friendly templates. Composer was designed to be user-friendly for publisher staff unfamiliar with HTML, adaptable to a range of publisher needs, and easily integrated with Silverchair’s existing architecture and tools. Using Composer, publishers can more widely, easily, and cost-effectively experiment with content types while maintaining the perks of an omni-platform solution, uniting their content within one database to benefit from shared search capabilities.

“Organizations of all types create content beyond that which they publish in a traditional scholarly research workflow, so it’s important that we provide a first-class publishing experience for the full spectrum of publisher content,” said Will Schweitzer, Silverchair’s Chief Product & Customer Success Officer. “Silverchair Composer not only streamlines publisher workflows, but also opens additional ways for them to make money, save money, and support their missions.”

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About Silverchair

Silverchair is the leading independent platform partner for scholarly and professional publishers, serving our growing community through flexible technology and unparalleled services. We build and host websites, online products, and digital libraries for our clients’ content, enabling researchers and professionals to maximize their contributions to our world. Our vision is to help publishers thrive, evolve, and fulfill their missions.

For more information, contact:

Stephanie Lovegrove Hansen, Senior Marketing Manager, Silverchair, email: