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2 February 2024

The 2024 Fiesole Collection Development Retreat will take place in Cape Town, South Africa on 7-8 May.

The location reflects the conference theme of connecting global North and global South. By bringing the Retreat to South Africa, and with the generous and valuable collaboration of ITOCA (Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa) and CLIR (Council on Library and Information Resources), we aim to facilitate a truly global discussion as we seek strategies to reflect, protect and preserve the heterogeneity and richness of the world’s scholarly information channels and the cultural heritage collections for the future, with a focus on  African perspectives, inclusion and equity in scholarly communications.

A number of contributors and participants from important African research institutions, including leading publishers and librarians, together with a rich social programme, ensure that it will be a rare and invaluable opportunity for cultivating collaboration - and forging relationships - across continents. 

The Vineyard Hotel, situated on the Eastern slopes of Table Mountain in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town, will be the venue for the 2024 conference. One of the most environmentally-friendly, progressive hotels in Cape Town, and home to a diverse range of fauna and flora, the hotel is also close to the world-famous Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and a range of attractions celebrating Cape Town's cultural scene and heritage. 

Discover more, consult the program and register to participate at