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21 February 2019

ALPSP Members

ACCUCOMS is hosting a round-table session in collaboration with ALPSP, on PlanS, transformative agreements and the ALPSP journal collections. During the meeting Simon Inger, Simon Boisseau and Oncko Heldring will be discussing the opportunity to collaborate and innovate for university presses, society publishers and small- to medium-sized publishers. The discussion will touch on AggregagentPlan S and other developments.

Where:    Henley Suite Room 4 at London Book Fair
     Wednesday 13 March 2019 15.15-16.00.

If you would like to join the meeting, please let Accucoms know by contacting  You will need an entry badge to LBF to attend.

Please note that there will be a closed meeting for Aggregagent and ALPSP Collections participants immediately before this meeting and if any ALPSP members would like to attend please also contact Accucoms using the same email address (