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31 July 2015


Professor Sir Robert Burgess was chosen to lead the first independent review of the progress of implementing the OA policy that was announced by Research Councils UK (RCUK) in 2013. The review covered the first 16 months of the policy’s implementation, and ran from July to Sept 2014. Professor Sir Burgess published his report in March 2015, which included a number of recommendations. On 29 July, RCUK announced that they will accept and implement all the recommendations.

Details of how they will address each recommendation have been published. I’m sure representatives from the higher education sector, other research funders, learned societies and publishers will welcome the formation of the practitioner group, which will become central to helping to implement the recommendations. ALPSP is ready to assist where appropriate.  

Audrey McCulloch
Chief Executive
31 July 2015

2014 Independent Review of Implementation (
Review of the implementation of the RCUK policy on Open Access (
RCUK response to Burgess Review (
RCUK response to Burgess Review detail (

Categories: RCUK, Burgess review, response