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6 March 2020

SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA—March 6, 2020—NISO, which develops and maintains the technical content standards that underlie the online publishing of scholarly research, named Bruce Rosenblum, Inera’s CEO, its first fellow in 20 years. Rosenblum came to Atypon with its acquisition of Inera last year.

Rosenblum, who has more than thirty-five years experience designing and implementing electronic publishing solutions, was honored for his long service and ongoing contributions to NISO and the scholarly communications community. The announcement was made at the NISO Plus Conference last month. 

Rosenblum was instrumental in creating Crossref’s metadata deposit schema and coauthored the original NLM DTD, the XML content model that eventually became JATS, the standard for the online publication of scientific journals. The DTD was based on a study funded by the Mellon Foundation that he completed for the Harvard University Library in 2001.

“I’d like to congratulate Bruce on behalf of the entire Atypon family,” said Marty Picco, Atypon’s General Manager. “His dedication to the production of scholarly research for online audiences, work that goes largely unseen, helped usher in the transition of peer-reviewed research from print to digital, a transformation with benefits far beyond this industry.” 

Rosenblum continues to work on the NISO JATS Standing Committee and co-chairs the NISO STS (Standards Tag Suite) Standing Committee which defined the content model for standards publications. He also serves on the BITS Working Group, which deals with the XML standard for scholarly books. He was a founding member of the JATS, BITS, and STS groups, and served on NISO’s board of directors from 2005 to 2013.

About Atypon

Atypon develops publishing technologies for getting mission-critical content into the hands of the practitioners and researchers who need it most. Atypon’s online publishing and website development tools let publishers manage, deliver, and monetize all of the content they distribute—from standards and scholarly articles to video and online courses. Atypon’s tools for researchers let them easily author, discover, and access the content they need. Founded in 1996, Atypon is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, with over 470 staff in 9 offices around the world.

About Inera

Inera is widely recognized as a global leader in publishing technology. Since 1992, Inera’s seasoned team of publishing and software professionals has pooled a unique set of skills to bring transformational change to the publishing industry. Inera develops and licenses the eXtyles family of Word-based editorial and XML tools, and the Edifix online bibliographic reference solution. Publishers of scholarly journals and books, standards, and government documents worldwide rely on Inera’s software solutions to drive modern electronic and print publication workflows. Inera was acquired by Atypon in 2019.