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31 May 2019

In response to the announcement of revised implementation guidance, ALPSP has released the following statement:

"ALPSP is glad to see specific mention of Learned Societies and the Wellcome-UKRI-ALPSP Society Publishers Accelerating Open access and Plan S project in the updated Plan S Rationale. We welcome the inclusion of a greater number of routes to compliance including transformational journals, the acknowledgement of the need for CC BY non-derivative licences for some scholarly works and the move towards price transparency in preference to APC caps. However, we believe that while there is now a later start date, the timeline is still very ambitious, particularly given the need for strategy alignment in relation to research assessment. We note also that areas remain where implications of implementation will need to be considered further, for example in relation to international collaborations. We look forward to continued dialogue with cOalition S to ensure that the value of community-led publishing in advancing knowledge and innovation continues to be recognized."

The Revised Plan S principles and implementation guidance may be read here.

cOAlition S issued the following press release: 

31 May 2019

cOAlition S Releases Revised Implementation Guidance on Plan S Following Public Feedback Exercise

Today cOAlition S releases revised guidance on Plan S implementation which has been approved by all coalition members. “Plan S is a bold step forward which the European Commission, along with a growing number of national funders, is committed to implement” explained Carlos Moedas, the European Commissioner for Science, Research and Innovation.

Since its launch in September 2018, Plan S has reinvigorated the global debate on Open Access to scholarly publications. cOAlition S is grateful to all those who took the trouble to respond and provide specific advice during its recent feedback exercise – the largest ever international consultation that has been conducted on an Open Access policy. The 600 plus inputs received allowed the coalition to make changes that take into consideration the views expressed by the diverse communities affected.

Changes include an extension to the formal commencement point for Plan S which will now take effect from 1 January 2021. This new timetable provides more opportunity for researchers, institutions, publishers, and repositories to make changes and for funders’ policies to develop and take effect. The Plan S principles now also reflect a commitment made by the funders to revise methods of research assessment along the lines of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

“This final version of Plan S will accelerate the necessary transition to full and immediate Open Access and allow different stakeholders to start implementation in the most optimal way” explained Prof. John-Arne Røttingen, Chief Executive of the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and co-chair of the cOAlition S implementation task force.

“We are committed to implement what is one of the most significant and ambitious changes to the research system and with the final plan now in place we look forward to more funders, from across the world, supporting the transition to full and immediate Open Access by joining and aligning with cOAlition S” concluded Marc Schiltz, President of Science Europe and co-initiator of Plan S.

For more information:

Revised Plan S principles and implementation guidance  
Rationale for the revisions made to the Plan S principles and implementation guidance
cOAlition S participating funders

Category: open access