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6 September 2018

EASE, the European Association of Science Editors, has issued a statement of support and endorsement of ORCID, the unique author identification system. This statement has been issued to both endorse the initiative and to promote its uptake throughout the researcher community. Comprising both technical and content editors from around the world, our members play a vital role in the publication of scholarly information and in encouraging authors to adopt good practice.  Through our endorsement of ORCID, editors will be able to increase its implementation and alleviate the problems associated with disambiguation of author identities.

The European Association of Science Editors (EASE) supports all initiatives that increase the transparency and disambiguation of authorship so that authors can receive appropriate credit for their work. We therefore fully support and endorse the activities of ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID: to provide a mechanism for identifying and associating authors with their research publications and related activities.

The formal statement can be read here: