28 July 2016
We’re pleased to announce the availability of the final report of the Pay It Forward project, a joint research effort of the University of California at Davis and the California Digital Library to investigate a sustainable model of open access article publishing charges for large North American research institutions.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supported the project. It involved university research partners on the grant (Harvard University, Ohio State University, and the University of British Columbia, along with the nine remaining University of California campuses), as well as industry partner organizations (Thomson-Reuters, Elsevier, and ALPSP). The CDL/UC Davis project team is solely responsible for the findings and conclusions in the report. We hope this report will make an authentic contribution to future developments in scholarly communication and look forward to a continuing robust discussion of these issues.
The report and related materials can be found on the UC Davis website.
Categories: Association, open access, policy, research, Society