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13 February 2015


The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and UKSG recently announced that the Transfer Code of Practice will now be supported and maintained by NISO. The Code provides voluntary guidelines for publishers to follow when transferring journal titles between parties to ensure that the journal content remains easily accessible by librarians and readers.

An overview of some of the changes introduced in the latest version, as well as the reasoning behind then, is included in The Evolution of the Transfer Code of Practice article in Learned Publishing. The paper also includes information on some of the Transfer Working Group's other initiatives to extend reach and impact of the code, and is available to download for free.

NISO has republished Transfer version 3.0 as a NISO Recommended Practice (NISO RP-24-2015) and will move all supporting documentation to the NISO website. You can see all of the related Transfer documentation as well as access the RP on the NISO Transfer webpage. The full press release is available on the NISO website.

Suzanne Kavanagh
13 February 2015

NISO Press Release 
NISO Transfer webpage  
NISO Recommended Practice 
The Evolution of the Transfer Code of Practice (Phillpotts, Devenport, Mitchell) Learned Publishing, 28: 75-79 doi: 10.1087/20150112



Categories: code of practice, maintained, NISO, supported, transfer, UKSG