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Eurospan appoints Ken Rhodes as Managing Director

Eurospan appoints Ken Rhodes as Managing Director

Categories: arts humanities, book, Europe, Marketing, sales, social sciences, UK, US

14 October 2016

ALPSP and The PA to host debate on Brexit and academic publishing at Frankfurt Book Fair

ALPSP and The PA to host debate on Brexit and academic publishing at Frankfurt Book Fair

Categories: copyright, Europe, Legal, licensing, policy, research, strategy, UK

29 September 2016

ALPSP to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Conference in 2017 at the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in The Netherlands

ALPSP to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Conference in 2017 at the Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in The Netherlands

Categories: Association, conference, Europe, research, Society

14 September 2016

ALPSP launches online workshop for those new to journals publishing

ALPSP launches online workshop for those new to journals publishing

Categories: Association, UK, training, Society, research, journal, Europe, Editorial, China, US

1 August 2016

2016 International Publishing Summer School in Oxford – 10% discount for ALPSP members

Information about 10% discount for ALPSP members for 2016 International Publishing Summer School in Oxford

Categories: book, China, Europe, India, journal, training, UK, US

10 May 2016

HighWire Press Opens New European Office

HighWire Press Opens New European Office adding 74 New Positions

Categories: book, content management, digital, Europe, journal

18 March 2016

ALPSP welcomes Eurospan to membership

ALPSP welcomes Eurospan to membership

Categories: book, Europe, Marketing, sales, UK, US

18 November 2015