Shifting Systems: The Changing Peer Review and Submission Platform Landscape
This free webinar for ALPSP members will provide insights into current technologies, we'll hear from industry experts and receive...
Categories: Webinar, Leadership, Submission system
Retractions 101: Maintaining Accuracy in Scholarly Publishing
This free webinar for ALPSP members will address the importance of clear and consistent communication in retraction notices to...
Categories: Webinar, Leadership, Research integrity
Latest Developments for AI and Copyright: Publishing perspectives from Singapore, Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
Speakers in key territories in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region discuss how developments in AI are shaping copyright practice and...
Categories: Webinar, Leadership, Copyright/IP
Breaking the Silence: Confronting Research Publishing Misconduct in Academia
This free webinar for ALPSP members will examine the roles of key stakeholders in the academic publishing ecosystem. The goal is...
Categories: Webinar, Leadership, Research integrity
Career Club: A spotlight on scholarly publishing careers
This free webinar for ALPSP Members is the first in a series featuring high profile individuals and industry leaders who have...
Category: Webinar
Equity in OA Publishing
This free webinar for ALPSP Members will discuss the challenges to making OA publishing more equitable and different approaches to...
Category: Webinar
Publishing in China
This free webinar for ALPSP Members will provide an overview of the journal publishing landscape in China, its unique features and...
Category: Webinar
AI and Beyond: A vision for the future of publishing technology
A free webinar for ALPSP Members. It will showcase how AI is changing the way publishers can deliver knowledge at scale. The...
Category: Webinar
AI = Friend or Foe for Protecting Research Integrity?
A free webinar for ALPSP Members. AI tools such as ChatGBT have raised the stakes across the research and publishing industry. Can...
Category: Webinar
Accessibility in Scholarly Publishing
A free webinar for ALPSP Members. This webinar will focus on the importance of ensuring inclusivity in publishing specifically...
Category: Webinar